Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Chapter 20, 21,22

This is where the journey ends for this novel! WOW!! Okk he talks to Bryant and everything. He went to the apartment Iran met him at the roof. He found out that Rachael had killed his goat I guess of jealousy and did it right in front of his wife. He then turned back to his car and left. Iran wanted him to stay but he didnt. he wanted to go somewhere he could seee the stars so he went up up and up!!!!!

He then went to a cluttered hillside swooped and he proceeded to talk to harry bryant but he was not in his office. So he talked to his secretary and she told him that his wife was worried about him and to call her. He was about to call her then he found a toad.

After he found the toad he got happy and went home because he thought that animal was extinct he took it home. Iran was at home messing with the mood organ. he took the toad ti his wife to see. So she then told him it was electric he didnt stress it. He then got a cup of coffee drunk it and went to sleep to rest . iran then called to get toad food. she then fixed her some black coffee and drunk it feeling much better. AND THATS IT!!!!

This was a crazy day.
This was a great novel, it was really interesting, i dont know what else to say like im so overwhelmed but it was a great book especially at the end!!!!!!!!

Chapter 17, 18 and 19

These chapters were pretty cool. After they had finished doing the nasty they got up and Rachael got in the shower, They had a conversation about how Rachael feels that he cares about that goat more then he cares about her and Iran. They made a deal so Rachael had to go through with it. They got in the car and Rick told her he wanted to kill her. She told him to kill her in a way that it wouldnt be painful he began to pull the car to a hault, he pulled out his laser as if he was going to kill her. He then put it away saying he couldnt do it. Then Rachael cut on the radio to listen to Buster Friendly, His announcement was coming up Rick told her to turn it off she refused, So he pretty much let her go ahead and listen to it.

Then in the apartment Isidore had moved Pris's stuff into his apartment so he could protect them. He found a spider and he took it to the apartment Pris was very interested in the spider but she didnt understand why it had so many legs so she wanted to see if it could walk with just 4 legs soshe began snipping away at this tim Buster had made his big announcement The moon is painted, Wilbur Mercer is not suffering at all. Al Jarry is Mercer. " Wilbur mercer is not a human being he is in fact an archetypal superior entity perhaps from another star Mercerism is a swindle" SHe had cut 4 legs off of the spider it couldnt walk so Isidore through it down the drain so it wouldnt suffer i guess. then Mercer came to him and brought him the spider with all 8 legs and talked to him about being fake it was confusing at this point.

Then isidore went outside to set the spider free in a place that looked alive with weeds. the behind him came deckard talking they had a decent converstaion asking him about the apartment he was ni and all this crazy stuff Isisdore wouldnt help him so he went on his own. He went to the door acting like Isdore. the opened and he killed them he call Bryant and told him the news and he went home to find something bad had haooened to his goat.

I already know how the book ends but I now know that Isidore is really a chicken head.
im also kind of confused how mercer just pops up but ok

Monday, March 17, 2008

Chapter 16

Rick goes to the Hotel and he typed carbon sheets on the two androids Roy and Irmgard Baty. He read th epoop sheet on Roy on how he experimented with drugs etc.
He found out the one who organized them was still alive it was Roy. Rachael then walked in. He began to talk with her about the androids, she didnt want to. He noticed her body, the proportions. hse talked about how Pris and her were just alike, She talks about how she came to observe how he differenciates the androids from the humans so they can come up with the nexus-7. And the wont be able to tell the difference. The talked on and on about stuff and made a deal but the best part was THEY HaD SEXXXXXXXXXX!!! OMG That i scrazy i couldnt believe it. I dont know what to think but WOW, what about Iran.?
1. I think Irans going to find out and leave him.
2. I think hes going to leave her and go with Rachael
3. I think he is a android now he had sex with her.
Its getting crazy but we will see!++

Chapter 15

In the beginning of the chapter Roy Baty wants to kill Isidore. Pris didnt want him to be killed so they said no. Rick goes to buy a rabbit but the seller says with the money he has he should buy a goat. He gets the goat but its more then he can really afford. He then invites Harry Bryant to see the goat after brings it home.

He then called Rachael Rosen and asked her to come to San Fransisco tonight she didnt want to come at first but then he told her to come so they could do something, she then agreed and said she would and he would sit and wait at the hotel room and watch Buster Friendly.

1. I think they are going to have SEX! lol
2. He might kill her.
3. I think he might get killed
4. I dont really know at this point but its getting really good!!!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Chapter 13 and 14

It started with John Isidore he had bean curd, ripe peaches, good soft evil smelling cheese, and wine. He went to the abandoned apartment and went to Pris Stratton door. She was kind of afraid to see who it was but she asked whos there and he said it John Isidore. She let him in and they talked for a while and he offered her food. Then all of a sudden someone comes to the door she thought it was a bounty hunter tyring to kill her so she told John to go to the door to make sure it was who she thought it was her two android friends that she hadnt heard from in a while the only 2 left besides her Irmgard and Roy the Batys. It was them and they came in they thought that J. Isidore was together with Rachael Rosen. They discussed about the bounty hunters killing all the other androids. So they decided to move into the apartment together so they can protect each other and they want Isidore to be with Rachael and protect her. It was crazy!!!!!!

1. I believe that Isidore will tell them about Rick.
2. I believe they will meet and have a all out battle.
3 I believe Phil is going to die

I dont know the book is getting more and more interesting!!!

Monday, March 10, 2008

Chapter 12

Ok This Chapter is Kind of crazy as well. Luba Luft is killed it was nice how Rick and Phil came and approached her and how Rick brought her thebook. I really think she liked this painting because it shows purity and she wanted to feel that way even though shes an android it was kind of crazy, she probably didnt remember that stage she might not have went through that stage in her life. Rick then gave Phil a test and found out he wasnt an android. Then something caught my attention the part about sex how it was said that sex is another name for love. I do not believe that is true Love is a feeling that makes you feel good and somethimes bad it makes you do crazy things. Sex is an act they are totally different.

Scream: I believe this relates to the androids and himans i believe the humans on the earth want to scream because of the war the killings eveything thats going on especially the specials. Also I belive it has to do with androids because they know they are being hunted. I dont really understand if they know exactly what it means to feel stressed enough to scream but i think that thats maybe how they feel. They know humans want them dead.

1. I now think that Rick is not an android.
2. At this time in the book I dont know whats going to happen.

Chapter 10 and 11

These two chapters were short but wild. Alot took place in this chapter, we met two new characters Phil who is a bounty hunter and Garland who is a inspector and an android that believe it or not was on Ricks list to kill. officer Crams carry Rick to the police departmentand this is where he was questioned. Phil gets rick out of the police depatment after garland is gone. Then we find out that Phil has a squirrel.

1. My prediction in the future chapters is that Phil and Rick will kill all the androids with the help form each other.
2. I also think that Rick may be an android
I dont know we will have to see

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Chapter 9

This chapter talks about Luba Luft. He went to give her a little interesting visit he told her who he was and he told her about the test he began to ask her questions and she answered some and sh asked him questions and he answered.

She didn't trust him she thought he was a sexual deviant. He then proceeded to ask her more questions but all of a sudden a large harness bull arrived in his archaic blue uniform with gun and star. He didn't believe Rick whe n he told him he was a bounty hunter because he is an android just like Luba Luft.

He then told him he was going to take him to the Hall of Justice but as he was taking him Officer Crams took a different turn so he knew the androids had him in possession he thought he was going to die. In chapter 10 is when we will find out what happened I'm so anxious now the book is getting more and more interesting.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Chapter 8

Rick returned home from Seattle and was told to find Pokolov. Rick goes and search's for Pokolov he goes to the apartment! After he finds nothing but junk at the apartment he is driving in his car and a woman tells him he has a call from Seattle he takes it!!!! Its Rachael Rosen, she offers him help with the Nexus-6 but he declined it.

Then he met with the soviet police officer it was Kalakyi he was showing off his new laser gun showing how it works and it didnt work so he asked him about it and he explained it to him. Then all of a sudden he figured out that Polokov and Kalakyi were the same people androids!! They began tussle but at the end he defeated the android.

Then he called his wife Iran and she was arguing with the depression mood. So he decidedto think of all the different reasons why he didnt leave her 2 years ago. This chapter short crazy but crazy!!!!!!!!

Chapter 7

This chapter was confusing it started off with a sick cat who had died!! And it wasnt even a fake cat it was real because he couldnt even find the switch!!! Then when he got to work the next his boss was trippin calling him a chickenhead and he made hi call the women and tell her the bad news which was mean because Isidore has alot of empthy towards that cat and he told him to be stern about it.

I thought that was kind of mean but i really didnt think that his boss had any sympathy. His boss is also getting blind because of the dust going around in the world that is also killing the animals.
They also talk about how Buster Friendly is on Air 23 hours a day live is that possible?????

I totally agree with malcom on that his an android no person/ human can do that. This chapter was very interesting wonder what will happen next!!!

Sunday, March 2, 2008



Chapter 6

In Chapter 6 is when John Isidore takes margerine to his new neighbor lol!!!!!!!! This is strange you know that he is a special just by doing something like that!!!!!!! He goes to his neighbor and hear Buster Friendly talk show host playing in the background. She comes to the door topless which probably turned him on a little bit lol. But that was really strange dont you think.

But she talks so non-chalantly she talks as if she doesnt care she tells him her name is Rachael Rosen. When he ask if she can cook for them if he buys the food she tells him NO!! If that was me i would probably have left but i forgot he is a special. lol.

Then he ask her if she knows buster friendly and she says no even though she is watching him and or listening to him in the backround that really makes me wonder if she is an android. Then when he talks about the Rosen Cooperation she changes her name to Pris Stratton!!! Now i dont know know what the heck is going on with her or him but something just isnt right, even he has an idea that something may be wrong with her!!!!!

Chapter 5

This is where the book gets kind of crazy, this is where they can tell the difference between an android and a human. The use a test called the Voigt-Kampff Test or as i call it the VKT. Rick used this test on Rachael Rosen, where he found out that she was a android and she didnt even know it. He didnt think she was at first I feel he was convinced!!

Come to find out her uncle hadnt even told her which is kind of mean and i feel if he loved her then he wouldve told her just incase of the circumstances in which she was in when she took the test. Then she told him she was part of the Rosen cooperation.

The androids are being created so much like humans that the only way they are going to differ between a humand and an android is by using the bone marrow test. Which is crazy because before you know it they are going to be humans and no one is going to be able to tell the difference.
Rick also learned about the nexus-6 androids and what they wanted to do. This book is beginning to get stranger especially in chapter 6!!