Thursday, March 6, 2008

Chapter 9

This chapter talks about Luba Luft. He went to give her a little interesting visit he told her who he was and he told her about the test he began to ask her questions and she answered some and sh asked him questions and he answered.

She didn't trust him she thought he was a sexual deviant. He then proceeded to ask her more questions but all of a sudden a large harness bull arrived in his archaic blue uniform with gun and star. He didn't believe Rick whe n he told him he was a bounty hunter because he is an android just like Luba Luft.

He then told him he was going to take him to the Hall of Justice but as he was taking him Officer Crams took a different turn so he knew the androids had him in possession he thought he was going to die. In chapter 10 is when we will find out what happened I'm so anxious now the book is getting more and more interesting.


Beersheba said...

You were right about the sexual part, but the truth was that he was actually being sexual.

Georgia said...

yea he is totally a sexual deviant haha kinda gross and weird...

REID said...

what would happen if a human knocked up an android??

do baby humanoids suck on electric babas?

Clary said...

Remember try to move beyond summary. Ask questions about the text. Do you think Rick might be an android? Why or why not?